Minggu, 14 November 2010

sweet bastard

Yes he is. Or he was .

We used to love each other .

He did it first. But i ignored it, because of something i would never explain to the world.

But i realize, what I've done is something fatal. For both of us .

I ask him for forgiveness. And he never say any word to me . We lost contact.

I'm really like a dumb when i ask it to him thousands times.

Call him. Message him. Talk to him. Meet him. Spying him.
But nothing i got.

And here i am, like on movie.
Kill or killed.

I will never let anyone kill me, of course.
But i know, I'll never ever could kill him.

Because i'm still in love with him.

quotes in a sudden

Hari ini dapet banyak kutipan bagus yg mgkin bagi orangnya sendiri ga sadar kata2 mereka itu bermakna banget .
Check this all out =

1. 'inget! Cewek dan cowok itu beda banget'
yang dmaksud beda dalam hal ini adalah perspektif atau sudut pandang .
Jangan heran saat cowok dan cewek dhadapkan masalah yang sama, tetapi reaksi mreka brbda .
Cowok pake otak buat mikir .
Cewek pake hati buat ngerasa .

2. 'cowok tuh sebenernya peka, cuma mereka menyembunyikannya dan pura-pura gatau'
itu karena mreka lebih berpikir untuk melindungi orang lain agar tidak terluka .
Dan cara yang mereka temukan adalah dengan MENYEMBUNYIKANNYA

we're too DIFFERENT

Bad girl always looking for good guys. Just like bad guys always looking for good girls .

But i'm not a good girl, although i'm a good girl i don't wanna get a bad guy.

I'm a bad girl, who looking for a guy. Both good guy or bad guy, i think i can accept it . But i also thought that i'm not deserve to get a good guy .

He will protect me so much, but I'll hurt him more.

He'll show me all good things, but I'll teach him the dirty stuff.

He'll take me somewhere beautiful, but I'll get him in a riot.

He will do a lot of extreme acts just for save me, but I'll always do simple silly things that hurts him.